Exercise 3: Comparing Users’ Wayfinding across Hospital Typologies

Submission Details

  • Group size: Up to 4 students
  • Submission date: 08.05.2024, 17:59 CET
  • Presentation date: 08.05.2024
  • Submission materials:
    • For all the following materials, use the naming convention of your group member’s last name delimited by _. Example: If your group consists of A. Einstein, M. Curieeinstein_curie with the appropriate file extension.
    • The fbx models of the two hospital typologies. Upload link
    • A presentation on this exercise (max. 10 slides, max. 5 minutes, exceeding this will result in grade penalty). Upload link
    • The zip compressed Unity project folder. Upload link


The goal of this exercise is to analyze how the configuration of different hospital typologies affects wayfinding performance and experience.

Part 1: Generate a 3D Model for each Typology and Import it into Unity

  • Choose and model 2 hospital typologies
  • To model the layouts we will use VisualArq for Rhino.
  • A tutorial showing how to model a floor plan from an image using visualarq can be found here
  • For additional VisualARQ tutorials, please visit this link
  • Export both typologies from Rhino as fbx files by following these steps:

Part 2: Setting Up the VR Experiment

  1. Open GitHub Desktop and pull the latest changes from the repository. Only follow the part “Pulling to your local branch from the remote”.
  2. Follow step 3. from the the tutorial in the README.md of the toolkit.
  3. Familiarize yourself with the toolkit and import your geometry by following the tutorial for the virtual walkthrough.

Part 3: Conducting the VR Experiment

  1. Conduct the VR experiment with at least 3 participants per typology.
  2. Record the data and visualize it using the toolkit.
  3. Summarize the data and compare the wayfinding performance between the two typologies.
  4. Summarize your findings in a presentation (10 slides, 5 minutes max).

Legacy Tutorials

If you prefer video tutorials, you can follow the legacy tutorials below. However, please note that the content might be outdated.

  • Create a fresh Unity project by following these steps:
  • Import the .fbx files (or the other format you have chosen) into the new Unity project by following these steps.
  • Drag and drop the layouts into the scene and take a screenshot from the resulting scene.

Setting Up the Unity Scene

Computing the Navigation Mesh

Recording and Visualizing VR-Experiment Data

Summarizing the VR-Experiment Data